My Little Blue Book

My Little Blue Book
My Little Blue Book

Many of today’s diets restrict the types of foods that you eat. But calorie counting is still alive and well as a way to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. I prefer this method over any other because I want to have choices about what I eat. Choices encourage a permanent change.

Weight loss aids help the dieter with the day to day struggle. One way to make the task go a little easier is to create an index book that will hold nutrition information on the foods you eat  most often.

I cleaned out some desk drawers recently and found an old address book, the kind you get at the Hallmark store.  The notebook was gently used.  It has 6 rings, and is filled with pages and dividers marked alphabetical.  It has an attractive, sturdy cover, too.  I almost sent it to Goodwill, because nowadays I keep all my contacts on computer.  But it finally occurred to me that I could use this with my calorie counting.

It’s a good idea to keep a book of calorie and nutrition information for regularly consumed foods, or perhaps for recipes, which are a little bit involved to figure sometimes.  So I converted this address book into my index book.  There were only a few pages that had been written on, so I tossed those out.  Several of the dividers were written on also, so I used white labels to cover all the old handwriting.  I ended up with a very nice book to put my information in.

Highlighted Titles
Highlighted Titles

I like writing down the calorie, fiber, protein, and calcium content for regularly consumed foods because I don’t want to have to look them up in the pantry every time I want to eat something.  I write my information down in large letters, so that I don’t need my glasses to read it.  And once I get a recipe figured out, I definately don’t want to have to do that again.  So I write the information down right away.


Clip and save nutrition labels until you get a chance to enter them.
Clip and save nutrition labels until you get a chance to enter them.

Basically, it’s a time saver.  The most important part about making it work for me, has been taking the time to fill it out.  If I empty a cereal box or something, then I cut the nutrition information out of the box and lay it on the table, marking what it is for, on the back side, before I toss out the box.  When I get 4 or 5 nutrition labels collected, I just sit down with my glasses on, for a few minutes and enter the information into my blue book.

The nice part is, that when I need to know some nutrition information, then I can just pick up my book and look it up.  The alphabetical dividers make it easy to find things when I need to. This is just another way to minimize the fuss of calorie counting.  It really does save a lot of bother.

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