When I first started counting calories, I had an aversion to the idea of weighing and measuring my food. And I didn’t want to write anything down, either! It all just seemed like too much bother. I strung a few days together by just estimating. Then it occurred to me, I was doing all this hard work and I didn’t even know if I was eating the right amounts that would cause me to have a good weight loss! At that point, I knew I was going to have to do better, but I still wanted to keep things simple.
I needed to keep a temporary record of my calorie consumption each day, and I chose to use a 4×6 index card to do this. I like the index card because it is small and has body. So it holds up well throughout the day, and there is plenty of room to write everything on there that I need to put down.
I always begin my day by writing down the day of the week on the upper, left corner of the front side of my card. Then, in the remainder of the space, i just jot down numbers, no words. I use 2/3 of the card to write down calories and subtotals. When I have a subtotal, I draw a square around that number. And I use the remaining 1/3 of the card to total everything up.

Not long after I began counting calories, I became interested in eating a balanced diet each day, as well. On the back side of my card, going the long way, I make 3 columns, and I just jot down the number of grams of fiber and protein and the percentage of calcium that I find on the nutrition label for my serving, of the things that I eat throughout the day. This helps me decide what to eat as the day goes by.

By the end of the day, the card is used up and I have usually come within very close range of my daily allowances for calories, fiber, protein, and calcium. Now I can throw it away, knowing that I really have done well that day, or how far I went over, if I did. I don’t like to write down words, because that can get tedious. This needs to be a quick thing that just helps me keep track of the numbers. And it really works well.
Weighing my foods and writing things down is important. If I do not keep up with what I am eating, I doubt I would be having much success. It insures that I am getting the right amount of calories, fiber, protein, and calcium. And it is also teaching me what a normal portion looks like. So if I get in a situation where I cannot count my nutrition, I will at least be able to make a good estimate.
Carol like your idea of the index card, I’ve been keeping count on a sticky pad that I keep in my purse for leaving or jotting down a note. Also loved the fish story.
Thank you, Belinda, it is working well for me. Thought I would just pass along the tip. I’m glad you liked the fish story 🙂